Sketches of Thoughts

Saturday, March 04, 2006

ahhh, a true weekend.

since february started, i haven't had a real weekend. i had a spinal tap superbowl sunday weekend, two weekends of parents visiting and one final weekend of arts festival. thank heavens for a return to real weekend life. here's to parties, to drinking, to pals, to shopping... to playing with the pup, to cooking good food, to a nice clean house... to catching up with loved ones, to planning, to sleeping... there's just so much to love about a real weekend.

maybe now i'll have the chance to reflect on meeting pat metheny, christian mcbride, antonio sanchez, joan myers brown, momix, garrison keillor, from the top, arlo guthrie, stephen king and willie nelson. i think it's actually cooler than i've given it credit for. yes indeedie, here's to a weekend in the truest sense.

now if only those pesky bills would pay themselves.


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