Sketches of Thoughts

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

session is in.

i follow politics. i enjoy being a knowledgeable and informed citizen. accordingly, i take great pride in knowing what's going on in the florida legislature. i find topics like the class size amendment, school voucher consitutionality, citizens insurance issues in florida and the new gift ban a little bit fascinating. and a little bit lame, too, but that's another story. so, with session starting today, i'm reflecting on policitics.

not the american governmental process, necessarily, but politics. today especially, with the florida capital building as a reminder, i am aware of politics. we're not just talking about the establishment of the american political process. we're talking about the politics of everyday life.

somehow there are politics built in all around us. the politics of the office. the politics of school days past. the politics of friendship. though it is largely absent, there's some politicking involved in my most intimate relationship: my marriage.

politics at the oscars. how can the critics suggest that 'crash' wasn't about politics? how about the politics of racial proflining in america? how about the politics of 'hard out here bein' a pimp'? certainly politics are working diligently there. and absolutely in place in the business of arts and entertainment. my position as an arts presenter (allbeit not a very long career so far) has revealed that politics are at the center of many, many, many artforms. of course they are! isn't that the nature of art? so goes this political dialogue in my own head.

politics, i say. politics. i guess i'll just be aware that they are there. i didn't invent the system. i just have to live in it.


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