Sketches of Thoughts

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sometimes we just drive by.

This weekend I heard a story about a friend who was casually taking his afternoon run and encountered a man running down the street, torn shirt in one hand and wielding a knife in the other. He was screaming for help and approached my friend. Together they set about the find a way to call the police (since my friend doesn't make a habit of jogging with his mobile phone.) They did eventually find a UPS guy who was able to call 911, but not before they saw a police car drive right by. This dude is standing there screaming for help WITH A KNIFE and the police drove right past. It got me thinking - how many things in our daily lives do we overlook?

It seems impossible to overlook a guy with a knife screaming for help. Similarily, it seems impossible to overlook lots of things in our lives, but over and over we do. We overlook the poorest members of our society, animals in need for adopting or saving, even loved ones in our presence. In the work place, we often feel overlooked often because of age, social status or the inability to stand up for ourselves. I often overlook many things in life, instead opting for an "ignorance is bliss" mentality.

What we do notice can be ironic: like today's Bradley vs. Pittsburgh NCAA basketball tournament game where the score ticker at the bottom of my tv screen read "BRAD PITT." I guess maybe there's irony in what we overlook, too.


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