Sketches of Thoughts

Friday, November 03, 2006

Frugal Friday!

By classification, I am nowhere near poor. I certainly don't qualify as wealthy either. I consider myself lucky to even be approaching the middle class. Dudes, we live in a seriously shrinking middle class in this amazing country of ours, and my opinion is that we can each pinch a penny here and there for good reasons all our own.

It will keep me vigilant if I share a frugal tip each week, so Frugal Friday is born. I am plenty excited about this concept, so today I'll share not one but two frugal tips.

Tip #1: Make your own disinfectant wipes rather than signing away your life savings to the Clorox company. Take some paper towels, fold them in half or thirds depending on your persuasion. You could even cut the roll in half with an electric knife. That would be dramatic. Anyway, next boil a cup of water and pour it over 1/4 cup of Borax. (Borax is not toxic or lethal but will clean the living shit out of some stuff. Give it a whirl. If you don't give a crap about the enviornment and toxicity, you could subsitute PineSol or some other cleaner.) Pour half of the liquid mix in the botton of the container in which you will store the wipes. Put in the towels, schlop the remaining liquid on top. Turn the container over several times, let the towels absord the liquid for a few hours and you'll be ready to wipe some stuff up. Good luck. And don't use cheap paper towels, it doesn't pay in this instance.

Tip #2: Framed letters and cards make excellent home decorating items. Complete a grouping on your bookshelf, relive a card from your dad that says "Oh Shit" in your kitchen, etc. No message is too outrageous.

Already I feel fulfilled by Frugal Friday.


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