Sketches of Thoughts

Monday, January 29, 2007

Dies irea.

Last week I killed a squirrel. The little bugger darted out towards the front passenger side of my car, and before the little guy knew it he'd been nailed. I was really sad, what with it being my first squirrel homicide and all. So I thought about crying. I was processing my emotions about the little fella when Verdi's Dies Irea came on the classical radio station I was listening to. That translates to day of wrath. Yikes. And I realized, again, how funny and ironic life can be. So I laughed all the way to work. I still feel bad for the little guy, though. Rest in peace, buddy.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

About Me.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Never say never.

I have done the unthinkable. What I said I would never do. I swore I would never again wear leggings, and today I have done it. Black footless tights with lace at the bottoms. Very 1991-inspired. But in 1991 I would have never, ever worn a wool tweed skirt. In 1991 I had not been to London to purchase my favorite red cashmere sweater at Harrod's, which I am also wearing today. Other things I had not imagined for myself in 1991:
  1. Eating mayonaise. In cole slaw, potato salad, chicken salad, you name it. I swore I would never eat it. I also didn't eat salad dressing. Luckily I saw the error of my ways.
  2. In 1991 I was devestated not to be a member of the D.A.R.E. leadership team. It is as if my love for beer and wine was laid out ten years before I was allowed to legally allowed to consume it.
  3. I was certainly a huge dork then. Only I swore I would never embrace it. Hey, man, geek love is cool. Soooooo cool. The blogosphere is full of nerds, and I love them all. Jenn hearts total dorks, band geeks and other various and sundry freaks. I work at an art center for God's sake. Show the freak love. If only I'd know this when I had to defend my undying love for Stevie Wonder to others near the swings in 1991.
  4. I never imagined that I WOULD NOT have children at age 26. I thought I was made for that shit. I may be made for it someday, but I'm pretty sure at 11 that it would be all sewn up (pun intended) in 15 years.

I'm sure there's more. But that's enough for now. See what I mean? Never say never.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Story and Interactive Invitation

Earlier this week I heard an airline horror story, and was reminded of an airline story where things could have been very, very bad. Here goes:

This summer I had to travel to Iowa alone, sans husband, to a family wedding. All that was fine, didn't mind (at least too much). What was too much to take was the return trip from Omaha to Atlanta. You're smart, you probably remember a serious heat snap in the Midwest this summer, where your face melted off and it was above 100 degrees everyday? Yup, you remember that. I flew then. My flight was delayed out of Omaha for "mechanical reasons" enough to sit in the airport for a few extra hours. When I stepped onto the hot, steaming plane the flight attendant told me why --- no air con. 106 degrees outside, and no air coniditoning in the plane. No cool, manufactured air until we would reach thousands of feet in the air, somewhere between Omaha and Atlanta.

It took forever to get the passengers on the plane; the usual assortment of old people, screaming infants and screaming others. The last empty seat on the plane was next to me. Nine times out of ten this kind of scenario does not end well, and I suspected I would be with the group where the odds were not in my favor. Imagine how I felt about things when I watched the final passenger board the plane, arm tattoos as far as the eye can see and long (unwashed?) hair haphazardly held back in a ponytail. Sweat everywhere, on everyone on the plane.

So the guy sits down next to me and immediately launches into a story about how wasted he was at the wedding he was a part of the previous day. I am sweating my ass off, sweating through my cute little Joe's Jeans that I have worn with big sunglasses in an attempt to disguise myself as a sophisticated traveller. Literally stuck to the seat from my sweat. So things really turned around when Mr. Ponytail opened his backpack and asked me if I WOULD LIKE A NICE COLD BEER FROM THE SIX PACK HE SOMEHOW MANAGED TO CARRY ON THE PLANE.

Yes, yes, yes, indeed I wanted a nice cold beer. What would be better at a moment like that? How about lisening to good music? Turns out Mr. Ponytail is a sound engineer for the likes of Phish and Citizen Cope (a new love of mine). Also turns out for our trouble Delta gave all the passengers all the free booze they wanted in the sky between Omaha and Atlanta. The moral of my story is the old "don't judge a book by its cover" kind of deal. You never know when the book might have six nice cold beers.

And now for my interactive invite, if you have a crazy airline story, share it. Post it up, yo. I want to hear about it. I am preparing myself for no comments, but I want to see reads this little gem I write. So share away y'all.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Three is a magic number.

Most recently it has been a magical, shitty number. Have you ever noticed how crappy things happen in threes? I hate to bitch today, especially since my life is good, I'm happy in the new year and all. I had planned to post about what my outfit says about me today, indicating self-awareness and an affinity for costuming, because after all, that's all clothes are. My circumstances being what they are, I think I'll go on about the three most fucked up things in my recent adventures.

Shitty Thing #1: Kiln disaster. Luckily I was not killed like Fawn in Animal House, all I had to do was contact a bunch of students and tell them that their wares had been destroyed when the kiln over-heated. My sources tell me I did not in fact ruin this kiln, nor can I be held responsible for the loss of so many Christmas gifts. Nevertheless, when I opened the kiln to behold what I had hoped would be beautiful chip and dip sets, plates and free-form pieces, I nearly had a complete emotional breakdown when I instead discovered piles of clay and glaze puddled and hardened on kiln shelves. Shit. So much to learn. Also, it sucks this happened at 8am on a Saturday in the middle of December, but what can you do? It's good to be employed.

Shitty Thing #2: Clavicle Injury (but not to me). P. flipped over his mountain bike a few days before Christmas and fractured his clavicle. Turned out to be okay, seeing as we spent several impromtu days together, and also how I helped him complete his Christmas shopping by selected a few items I really wanted, and made easy-to-consume foods like Paula Deen casseroles Christmas lunch. It just sucks, though, to watch someone you love experience such pain. And difficulty opening Christmas presents. I am grateful, though, that no head injuries were sustained and we were picking out a sling rather than a wheelchair or casket. Man, my thinking is dark some days.

Shitty Thing #3: Crafty escaping pup. Well, not so crafty seeing as how the gate was left open. (Not my fault, nor Pete's.) But you can imagine my panic and surprise when I checked my voicemail to learn that Etta was found near the Quality Inn on (the very busy, four lane 50 mph traffic) Apalachee Parkway this morning. She had darked almost half a mile from our house but was picked up by a kind stranger, another non-profit employee who called me immediately. This scares the shit out of me, though. I plan for that pup to grow old, so that I can love her even when her little snout is gray and she has to be lifted onto the couch to cuddle up with me and Pete. So glad she's home safe and sound, and in lock-down (better known as her crate) until I can get home and watch her.

Monday, January 01, 2007

2006 --- The year in review meme.

2006 In The Beginning......

Where did you bring in the New Year?: At a party with Pete and friends.
Who were you with?: Like I said above.
Did you kiss anyone at midnight?: Mi husbundo.
Did you make any resolutions?: Yes --- to want what I already have.
If so did you keep them?: With some measure of success.

2006 Your Love Life....

Single/Taken?: Very taken, til death do us part.

2006 Friends and Enemies......

Did you meet any new friends this year?: Yes.
Did any of your friendships end?: Who knows?
Did you dislike anyone?: Yes.
Did you get into any fights?: No.
Did you make any new enemies?: Could be.
Did you resolve any fights?: Who wrote this, 7th graders?
Who was your closest friend?: Pete.

2006...The Holidays!

Did you have a Valentine?: Sure did.
Did the Easter bunny visit you?: He brought a killing basket.
Did watch fireworks on the 4th of July?: Yes. Over the pen in Tallahassee. "Nothing says 'let freedom ring' like fireworks behind a prison."
Did you dress up for Halloween?: As a marching band flag girl.
What did you do for Thanksgiving?: Ate a feast with the Tally extended family, worked my first gallery opening and then partied with the extended family of pals.
Did you make a list of gifts for the holidays? A short one.
Did you receive what you wanted?: Indeed, I was so excited about Santa bringing that LifeSavers Sweet Storybook!
Were you good this holiday season?: Good enough y'all.

2006 Your BIRTHDAY!!!

Did you have a cake? It was a yellow cake with what was supposed to be carmel frosting. (See a picture of the disaster on P.'s MySpace profile.)
What did you do for your birthday?: Had a great party.
Did you have a party?: Had a great party.
Did you get any presents? An iTunes gift card, a bitchin' mix CD and other treats. Oooh, and a nice bracelet from my mom.

2006......The Memories and Accomplishments!

Funniest Memory?: So many to choose from. Can't choose!
Saddest Memory? Saying goodbye to P. before his Africa trip.
Best Accomplishment?: Learning to say "no" and meaning it. Knowing myself and what I want better.

2006.....All about YOU....

Did you change at all this year?: Yes.
Was 2006 a good year?: A good learning experience. I have a good life.
Did 2006 bring any new insights?: Yes.
Do you think 2007 will top 2006?: Yup. Let's get 'er done.
Do you have any goals for 2007?: This year's resolution --- take good care.