2006 In The Beginning......
Where did you bring in the New Year?: At a party with Pete and friends.
Who were you with?: Like I said above.
Did you kiss anyone at midnight?: Mi husbundo.
Did you make any resolutions?: Yes --- to want what I already have.
If so did you keep them?: With some measure of success.
2006 Your Love Life....
Single/Taken?: Very taken, til death do us part.
2006 Friends and Enemies......
Did you meet any new friends this year?: Yes.
Did any of your friendships end?: Who knows?
Did you dislike anyone?: Yes.
Did you get into any fights?: No.
Did you make any new enemies?: Could be.
Did you resolve any fights?: Who wrote this, 7th graders?
Who was your closest friend?: Pete.
2006...The Holidays!
Did you have a Valentine?: Sure did.
Did the Easter bunny visit you?: He brought a killing basket.
Did watch fireworks on the 4th of July?: Yes. Over the pen in Tallahassee. "Nothing says 'let freedom ring' like fireworks behind a prison."
Did you dress up for Halloween?: As a marching band flag girl.
What did you do for Thanksgiving?: Ate a feast with the Tally extended family, worked my first gallery opening and then partied with the extended family of pals.
Did you make a list of gifts for the holidays? A short one.
Did you receive what you wanted?: Indeed, I was so excited about Santa bringing that LifeSavers Sweet Storybook!
Were you good this holiday season?: Good enough y'all.
2006 Your BIRTHDAY!!!
Did you have a cake? It was a yellow cake with what was supposed to be carmel frosting. (See a picture of the disaster on P.'s MySpace profile.)
What did you do for your birthday?: Had a great party.
Did you have a party?: Had a great party.
Did you get any presents? An iTunes gift card, a bitchin' mix CD and other treats. Oooh, and a nice bracelet from my mom.
2006......The Memories and Accomplishments!
Funniest Memory?: So many to choose from. Can't choose!
Saddest Memory? Saying goodbye to P. before his Africa trip.
Best Accomplishment?: Learning to say "no" and meaning it. Knowing myself and what I want better.
2006.....All about YOU....
Did you change at all this year?: Yes.
Was 2006 a good year?: A good learning experience. I have a good life.
Did 2006 bring any new insights?: Yes.
Do you think 2007 will top 2006?: Yup. Let's get 'er done.
Do you have any goals for 2007?: This year's resolution --- take good care.