Sketches of Thoughts

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy Earth Day

Well, it's a day late to wish you a Happy and Peaceful Earth Day, but so it goes. In honor of the occasion I painted (actually, tried to paint) my nails a trendy green. It actually just looks like I got into a catfight with The Little Mermaid and wound up with her scales on my fingernails, but what can you do. I'm investigating the nail blogs to find an alternative.

Also on an Earth Day vibe, seeing this recycling gone wrong on The Fail Blog made me recall that I actually had a tie dyed version of one of these about 10 years ago. The current me pretty much hates the 10 years ago me, the men's underwear bra may be one good reason why. I never have had tons of self confidence. But on the other side of that, it takes courage to wear mens' briefs on your tas.

Also, I'm working on getting my blogging shit together. One of my birthday goals for the year was to maintain a Flickr account, which four months in is clearly not working. If only I hadn't broken my digital camera it would be better. Months ago I registered a couple of blogs at Word Press to fuel my desire to be a better blogger. I'm not confident that my strategies will yield any tangible result. Once again, oh well.

Something to be happy about: at least it's Wednesday! I'm gettin' on towards the weekend and you know I loves me some weekend.


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