Sketches of Thoughts

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Election 2008: American Idol.

I'm sure by now it's unoriginal. Surely someone on this great, big Internet has disucssed how presidential politics so closely resemble a blown-out-of-proportion American Idol process. That makes it sound like I don't really care much for American Idol OR presidential politics. But that's wrong; indeed I love both.

At this point in the American Idol copmetition I don't really find myself all that attached to any one contestant. My strategy is just to find a couple of people I could basically live with. Then as I get to know and the season wears on, I pick a favorite and rally strong. Really, really, really strong.

The past couple of months were basically the season premiere for the 2008 election. More just like a pilot episode where shit is just fuckin' crazy. Boobie flashin', Internet-writers bashin', first season kind of stuff. If only I could catch the entire 2008 political season on my DVR and watch an episode of the Simpson (right now the School Band Competition episodes, perfect for a band geek like me) during the parts I don't really wanna see. Instead I'll have to be engaged in the political process.

Let's get it on then, candidates. Show me the stuff I want to see and dispense with the bullshit. I just want to fast-forward with five speedy arrows through the medicore crap. 'Election 2008 = American Idol High Stakes' for me from here on out. I bet this'll get interesting.


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