Sketches of Thoughts

Monday, August 06, 2007

On Christmas Music.

Earlier today I was reading a MySpace bulletin post. Those damned survey things are a bit like fried chicken to me, pure magic. Energy for the day. And while I seem to have completed each and every survey in its entirety, there are still a few questions that trip me up. Today's crazy tripped-up question: what is your favorite Christmas song?

My immediate response: ANYTHING. THAT. IS. NOT. FELIZ NAVIDAD. Holy shit, I cannot take that Christmas song.

With a background in music, you're always asked these strange questions and expected to answer respectably. For example, you go to a wedding and (hypothetically speaking) the groom's cousin-in-law sings a Shania Twain duet with the bride's sister's seeing eye dog's trainer. At the reception, four vodka tonics into things someone asks you, "What did you think of the music at the ceremony?" "It was touching," you respond, tactfully dodging any actual musical critique, because if critical musical thought was going to come into play you would need a barf bag. Anyway, that's about how I feel about Christmas music.

After two retail jobs last Christmas season, I'm looking forward to only one job where I have to live, eat and breathe shitty versions of Sleigh Ride (incidentally one of my favorite Christmas songs) this year. I've quit the second job, where the music may have been marginally better. But only marginally, mind you. 24/7 Christmas music would be enough to make anyone crazy.

Maybe I give those MySpace survey questions too much though. No need to think of Christmas songs today... To the tune of Santa Claus Comes Tonight: Pass me another ice cold beer and light the grill, it's August for heaven's sake.


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