Spotted at an Arby's drive-thru: a "Stop Heart Disease" license plate.
Google it if you are dying to see an image.
Spotted at an Arby's drive-thru: a "Stop Heart Disease" license plate.
I'll never be a true Southerner, give my Yankee heritage, but I can see how folks can get attracted to the South. Last night at work we opened a new show in the Gallery, and when we do I somehow go into full-fledged hospitality mode. This isn't about work, of course, since I have no interest in being dooced. It's about how the place you live can change the way you see things a little bit.
Today I went to a retirement party. Can you imagine being done with work? Forever, for good? I can not. Sometime it will be my reality, but not for many years.
Go get 'em, Iowa. There's been so much excitement about the caucuses this year, and I couldn't be happier. P. and I were discussing it last night - and he wondered why? why? why? is everyone so excited? I said I thought it was because um, NEVER HAS AMERICA BEEN SO EXCITED TO CHOOSE SOMEBODY NEW. Altneratively, never have we had a president so bad. God bless democracy.