Sketches of Thoughts

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Spotted at an Arby's drive-thru: a "Stop Heart Disease" license plate.

Google it if you are dying to see an image.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I'll never be a true Southerner, give my Yankee heritage, but I can see how folks can get attracted to the South. Last night at work we opened a new show in the Gallery, and when we do I somehow go into full-fledged hospitality mode. This isn't about work, of course, since I have no interest in being dooced. It's about how the place you live can change the way you see things a little bit.

My observation about the South is that people are enthralled with relationships. All the people seem to be connected, and if you can get connected by golly you can be a part of things, too. Well, kind of. I love to remember what people drink at those openings, and take care of them as best I can. I can drip with charm and Southern hospitality on the porch and speak authoritatively on the subject matter and the business once inside. That's kind of a fun thing.

People here want you to be taken care of. And they expect the same in return. It's an interesting cycle, one that's been serving people in this area well for as long as anyone can remember. Or so it seems.

In conjunction with one of my 2008 goals --- read more books --- I'm enjoying a fine Southern saga about a Savannah divorcee tied up in a murder mystery. This is not a book that could even make it past Oprah's mail opener let alone make it to her book club, but it's kind of fun. I had just finished Eat, Pray, Love, which was a nice little travel dialogue but needed something mindless. The current read (forgettable enough that I don't know the title or the author!) isn't full of incredible content, but I do love how I can practically hear the sweetness in the voices of those Southern belles as they discuss antiques and order lattes.

So, this post is basically pointless, except to say long live Southern hospitality and charm. And God bless the fact that it doesn't snow here.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Friday january 4

Today I went to a retirement party. Can you imagine being done with work? Forever, for good? I can not. Sometime it will be my reality, but not for many years.

So, here's today's Friday's feast:
When was the last time you received a surprise in the mail, and what was it?
Hmmm, a beautiful cashmere scarf from my brother and sister in law for Christmas. It is perfect in every way.

If you could have a summer and/or winter home, where would you want it to be?
Summer: Traverse City, Michigan, Winter: St. George Island, Fl

Pick one: pineapple, orange, banana, apple, cherry.
Fresh pineapple, clementine orange, banana laffy taffy, carmel apple and cherry life savers. How about that??

Main Course
Describe the nicest piece of clothing that you own.
A cashmere sweater from Harrod's bought for way too much money. But it is beautiful. And also a few Norweigan sweaters. I am a little bohemian, did you know? And a new pashmina! Oooh, I have nice things.

If you could forget one whole day from your life, which day would you choose to wipe from your memory?
Sometime last May. Who wants to think about crappy days, anyway? That's weird.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Where the tall corn grows.

Go get 'em, Iowa. There's been so much excitement about the caucuses this year, and I couldn't be happier. P. and I were discussing it last night - and he wondered why? why? why? is everyone so excited? I said I thought it was because um, NEVER HAS AMERICA BEEN SO EXCITED TO CHOOSE SOMEBODY NEW. Altneratively, never have we had a president so bad. God bless democracy.

My Iowa pride is brimming today. For all the bitching I did about living there and growing up there, I even surprise myself. Ah, nonsense. I have always been a proud Iowan. How can you not be proud of the state that was responsible for the man who invented sliced bread. And Merredith Wilson. The guitar player from The Killers is an Iowa, too. Ryan Kisor of Jazz at Lincoln Center is an Iowan. There are plenty of others, but I needn't get too happy with the hyperlinks.

While many don't understand why Iowans get to have the first go at choosing America's ultimate public servant, I for one am glad. These are people who have preserved their Century Farms, their original set of Pyrex bowls from the '50s, and are still wearing their '70s fashions (if their size hasn't chaged). These are the folks who have the ingenuity to profit from ethanol. They're not dumb. Why not give them the first go?

I'm glad Jill Biden met with Dorothy and Charlotte at the Family Table in LeMars. (Not to be outdone, McCain's going to appear at the Blue Bunny Ice Cream Parlor today. Yum.) Bill Clinton was in Decorah, where I went to college. And Barack was in Harlan. These Iowans got to see all these candidates up close and personal, while I have to rely on their blogs. They deserve to be making a decision, and I hope I agree with their judgement. I think I trust their judgement -it served me well for the first 23 years (or so) of my life.

Go on, Iowa. Enjoy your 15 minutes. Tomorrow you'll be yesterday's news, today you're incredibly important. Go on, make me proud to be from I-o-way.