Sketches of Thoughts

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Where the tall corn grows.

Go get 'em, Iowa. There's been so much excitement about the caucuses this year, and I couldn't be happier. P. and I were discussing it last night - and he wondered why? why? why? is everyone so excited? I said I thought it was because um, NEVER HAS AMERICA BEEN SO EXCITED TO CHOOSE SOMEBODY NEW. Altneratively, never have we had a president so bad. God bless democracy.

My Iowa pride is brimming today. For all the bitching I did about living there and growing up there, I even surprise myself. Ah, nonsense. I have always been a proud Iowan. How can you not be proud of the state that was responsible for the man who invented sliced bread. And Merredith Wilson. The guitar player from The Killers is an Iowa, too. Ryan Kisor of Jazz at Lincoln Center is an Iowan. There are plenty of others, but I needn't get too happy with the hyperlinks.

While many don't understand why Iowans get to have the first go at choosing America's ultimate public servant, I for one am glad. These are people who have preserved their Century Farms, their original set of Pyrex bowls from the '50s, and are still wearing their '70s fashions (if their size hasn't chaged). These are the folks who have the ingenuity to profit from ethanol. They're not dumb. Why not give them the first go?

I'm glad Jill Biden met with Dorothy and Charlotte at the Family Table in LeMars. (Not to be outdone, McCain's going to appear at the Blue Bunny Ice Cream Parlor today. Yum.) Bill Clinton was in Decorah, where I went to college. And Barack was in Harlan. These Iowans got to see all these candidates up close and personal, while I have to rely on their blogs. They deserve to be making a decision, and I hope I agree with their judgement. I think I trust their judgement -it served me well for the first 23 years (or so) of my life.

Go on, Iowa. Enjoy your 15 minutes. Tomorrow you'll be yesterday's news, today you're incredibly important. Go on, make me proud to be from I-o-way.


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