Sketches of Thoughts

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Getting rid of the infectious disease.

We moved into a new place somewhere in the space of two-four weeks ago. Slowly we've been painting this place, getting our shit into order and making the place our own. (More precisely speaking, our rental place, not technically our own place. But whatever.) This process has been somewhat painstaking, especially considering that I've been sick both with mono and the flu in those same two-four weeks. Gross. But I'm telling you, something had to be done about the colors in this place.

We're talking a cute lil' 30s house in a desirable little neighborhood, very near to where I work and close enough that Pete can ride his bike to work. Original hardwood floors and doorknobs, some original light fixtures, very few outlets because people of that era didn't have flat panel tvs, iPods, and electronics to think about. So not without its problems, but suitable for our needs. Even a little yard for the Ettta.

Pete is in working on a third (or is it fourth?) coat of red in the hallway, and I've just taken a break from painting the floorboards in the kitchen a nice, crispy white to match the light orange we've chosen for the walls. When we rented the place the entire kitchen was covered in a putrid brownish-pink off-white color I can only think to call infectious disease. It's the kind of color you would expect to see in a skeevy government office somewhere, like the place I went to get free birth control in college. Yuck. Everything in the kitchen was painted that color: two doors, each of the little cabinets and all of the hardware, the walls and even the floorboards. I will be so glad when that disgusting color is out of there.

I don't know how people can handle real home improvement projects. Some friends of ours ripped up all their carpeting and put in hardwood. Holy shit. I could never handle a project of that magnitude. Hats of to Aloe gal and her main squeeze, serious weekend warriors. We even saw them in the Home Depot parking lot this morning - no doubt they'll have more improvement tales to tell us when we catch up at a party later today.

Anyway, I'm back to deal with lesser-scale infectious disease paint color crisis. Maybe some before and after photos will follow, which I always elude to on this blog but rarely come up with. You can look forward to it if you want, but don't get your hopes up!


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