Sketches of Thoughts

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Boring or not boring?

I've been bored lately. Really bored. I hate feeling that way. Typically I don't think I'm a boring person: I do fun stuff, have friends I think are exciting and take in a social event or two each week. How is it possible that I can feel so boring?

Maybe it's because I've found myself disappointed by lots of things lately. I build things up and expect them to be something that's not possible. Is that it? I got my hair cut this morning and dashed off to artist Quincie Hamby's shop to make a big art acquisition: a beautiful necklace purchased just in time for my friend's wedding this weekend. I was shocked and nearly burst into tears when I saw the grim 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper on the door to the studio announcing the artist's absence. I was disappointed. Too bad I can't just be patient enough to wait for her return - or better yet, have had the good sense to think ahead and checked out her work last week. If I'd only done my background research I probably wouldn't be disappointed. See, being reactive rather than proactive makes for a very boring and disappointed exsistence.

I'm disappointed in myself because I'm not nearly as tech-savvy as I would like to be. Sure, I have a nice new shiny computer and a litle blogitty-blog. But I haven't mastered RSS feeds or used my iPod to near its potential. I've got to get to the point where I'm caught up with technology and put it to work for me, rather than being its slave all of the damned time. Am I boring because I can't get this stuff figured out?

I feel boring and uncreative in what I post on my blog, too. I wish I had lots of fun, clever and witty things to blog about or great musical reviews to give. I saw Wilco last Tuesday and they were amazing. I wish I had clever comments about their killing steel guitar player and their oh-so-funny lead singer Jeff Tweedy who spent most of the concert making fun of a white dude with dreadlocks who was headbanging at the front of the Moon's dance floor.

Then sometimes I think I'm not so boring and uncreative. In how I think about art and music, I guess I feel somewhat unique. Lately I've been really into the creative process, thanks to a panel at the Association of Performing Arts Presenters conference in NYC in January. I'm looking forward to what I'll discover about the creative process when I check out "Cambodian Stories" this Sunday afternoon at MANCC . Now if I could just pull my thoughts together into some sort of non-boring semi-hip stream of consciousness. That, my friend, would NOT be boring.

Maybe my sense of the boring continuim has been skewed by a month of never-ceasing work for the festival . It could be that it makes a normal day drag and a boring day seem absolutely impossible. Maybe my attitude could use a little tweak. Maybe I just need a little twist of fate to get me feeling less lame.

Maybe the adjustment I've needed just arrived... I just spoke to my brother who's living in New York City. It seems as he was walking to catch his train he ran into another Iowan-turned-New-Yorker who calls his neighborhood home. She recognized him immediately --- even years after our summer musical revue/music dork experience --- and mentioned my name, too. That's fun. And not a bit lame or boring at all.


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