Sketches of Thoughts

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The worst ad on TV rant.

RoomStore has the most irritating commercial I've ever seen. It features this elfin-inspired red-haired waif in bad clothes perched on an incredibly ugly bed (complete with horrible tropical inspired bedspread) or sometimes holding a sign in response to a seemingly rhetorical question in her poorly written script. The ads show this dumb ho-mama scribbling on a piece of fake poster board proclaiming savings and the general goodness of the store. Then when the stupid bitch turns the piece of paper around to show you, the attentive viewer, how you can really benefit by a trip to their second-rate home furnishings store you see that she hasn't written anything at all! The scribbling is fake, and she holds up a sign that was clearly printed by a computer printer. I know this probably doesn’t make much sense to you reading it now. That's my anger and rage speaking. As you may know, there's no DVR at our house, so when there's a bad commercial on TV we just switch the channel. I tried this method just a moment ago, and imagine my horror when that stupid spokesperson was on the alternative channel too. A girl can't even watch the news in peace. I've gotten smarter; I'll mute all commercials immediately. At least RoomStore is good for one thing: making me a savvier TV watcher.


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