I just don't know.
I can't decide if I should be offended or supportive of Phat and Fabulous.
I could go on for miles and miles and miles and miles, but this lady handles it in a lot cuter way than I could. Tubas instead of bombs. Paint brunshes instead of poverty. Yes indeed.
- Vintage alarm clocks are a desirable commodity.
I wish I could link you to a website for our local ABC affiliates new "Phat and Phabulous" plus-size woman mini-makeovers every Friday at 5 PM. I am not stringently opposed to the concept of a makeover, as I love for women to look and feel their best. But I am definitely defying on "Phat and Phabulous." Who thought that up? I think their makeover needs an re branding makeover. Communications and marketing gurus, please hop on this. That would be "Phlipping Phantastic."
I don't like waking up to loud noises. Alarms clocks, work on water towers, barking dogs, cars with loud noises on my busy street. None of that pleases me. Often I set my alarm clock to vibrate so that I'll hear that gentle sound and it'll ease me into my day. We set the phone to vibrate last night - and I thought I put it on my side of the bed. I wanted to wake up early to make scones today, so I wanted the phone next to me. When I woke up, I heard a vibrating sound, like a gentle little nudge. I felt around on the bedside table for the phone. Wasn't there. Felt around in the bed. Decided the alarm must not have gone off after all. Was I imagining that vibrating sound? Woke up a few minutes later but still nothing! The third time I heard the vibrating noise I sprung out of bed, dashed into the kitchen and got started on the scones. To hell with the vibrating phone! It was there on the bed somewhere. When I realized it was only 5:30 and the alarm was set for 6:30 I realized something else.
Tuesday afternoon I went to our local food coop to buy a Neti Pot to solve the ills of my pollen woes. I decided to buy the Pot when in a desperate attempt to clear my nasal cavaties I actually used a funnel from my KITCHEN to dump saline solution in my nostrils. Well anyway, this post isn't about the Neti Pot. You'll find that on other blogs so no need for me to go into it. But the video of me with the funnel would have been hilarious.