Sketches of Thoughts

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Exploring life's contradictions.

Tuesday afternoon I went to our local food coop to buy a Neti Pot to solve the ills of my pollen woes. I decided to buy the Pot when in a desperate attempt to clear my nasal cavaties I actually used a funnel from my KITCHEN to dump saline solution in my nostrils. Well anyway, this post isn't about the Neti Pot. You'll find that on other blogs so no need for me to go into it. But the video of me with the funnel would have been hilarious.

Anyway, I was unloading the groceries that I bought while picking up my homeopathic remedy I couldn't help but consider the contradictions in my life. For example, consider the following:

I am literally flushing the snot out with gentle salt water so that I can spray the ever-lovin'-shit out of some generic Flonase into my schnoz.

I bought my groceries at the food coop but had already been to Sam's Club to buy toilet paper for work.

And I bought tofu and granola. Healthy and yum. But for three of the past nine meals I've had a fried chicken product. You know I love fried chicken. Once the pollen subsides I'll have to go walk off the fried chicken then eat the tofu to maintain my girlish figure.

I'm highly educated and poorly paid. Less than a teacher to be exact, but I dig my job and I wouldn't change it.

I work 40 hours a week for a local, non-profit corporation. And since I don't make enough there to support my middle class lifestyle --- come on, people, I need DVR and a car and gas and clothes and smoothies --- I work another 11 hours at a multi-national retail corporation. Tee hee.

The irony is funny, just like the Neti Pot. While I may be an unbalanced walking contradiction in size 10 petite pants (more irony! huge hips!) at least I'm happy... And that's nothing to sneeze at.


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