Sketches of Thoughts

Friday, April 07, 2006

What's up?

Nothing much... I had a couple of conversations about having a blog today, so I thought it only appropriate to post. The new furniture is in place, it's a beautiful Tallahassee day PLUS the weekend has arrived. Maybe things aren't quite as lame as the life I usually see myself leading. Here are a few non-lame highlights from the past couple of days.

A trip to Marianna with esteemed colleague Gaylen to check out the Chipola College arts series. Lovely to see the arts making an impact on a rural population. As you can imagine, that's near and dear to my heart.

A few 10' long 8' tall bookcase that looks like it was built into the our living room wall.

Longer evenings with light later. If I have to sacrifice morning sunshine at least I get something good out of the deal.

A trip to the horse barn tomorrow!

Hearing about the highlights of Morgan's rad honeymoon trip to Hawaii and her return to married life. Hurrah!

A nice chat with two arts admin ladies who will soon move on to greener pastures. Double Harrah!!

Did I mention the weekend?

An email from long last pal Laura.

New "friends" to support my recent flourish.

Willie Nelson playing on my iPod, with my autographed poster nearby. Still waiting on the photo of us together.

Etta learned how to shake! She is officially the cutest little dog in her weight class.

Maybe life's not so dull after all.


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