Sketches of Thoughts

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Things I Love, Part 1.

Bike rides. Saturday I took a bike ride with Pete. It was his first ride since he got hit by a lady driving an SUV (looking for her cell phone, not talking on it) in September of 2004. The most amazing part --- he fixed up his completely demolished bike and is riding it again. He rules.

Etta the puppy. She turns one year old today.

Parties. Like last week's graduation/birthday extravaganza or this Saturday's Etta birthday party. Or Cinco de Mayo...

Exercise. Who knew that I actually like it? Well, I like the energy is provides me, and the smaller pants are an added perk. I think I'll keep at it.

New opportunities. More to come on that, for sure.

Lending a helping hand. I played a very minor part in our neighbor's furniture acquisition of '06. But I did like making myself useful.

Learning to consider things in new ways. This week I'm learning about art through a choreographic lens. Rad.

Lists. Like this one, for example! I'm a sucker for a good list.


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