Sketches of Thoughts

Thursday, September 14, 2006


When I walked into the Bada Bean to get my coffee this morning, I was reminded of a few people I admire, and the list has been growing over the past ten minutes or so:

  • Ann Richardson. I can remember seeing her on Larry King Live during my formative years, and I think she may have been responsible for at least some of my interest in politics and particularily women in politics.
  • The guy who owns the Bada Bean, a locally owned coffee shop.
  • The girl who fixes my small coffee with steamed milk and a shot of sugar free almond syrup every morning. This morning I heard her talking about knitting at a fiber arts place called Wooly Bully, too cool.
  • The lady she was telling about Stitch n Bitch, who owns one of my fave little vintage places in town. She gave me great advice on the day I almost let my 40s daybed (now my couch) get away.
  • My mom, who has the perfect card to send for every occasion.
  • My freshman-in-college roommate (and fellow SFSJB pal) LK, who can always make me laugh and consistently gives great (and funny) advice.
  • Julia, a Kennedy Center employee, who has been helping me pull together the trip for the Boys (they depart today).
  • Bloggers.
  • Too many others to list. Must get to working.


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