Sketches of Thoughts

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Weekend ramblings.

I'm sitting on the couch with a crazy sunburn. Can't really move because I failed to adequately apply sunscreen to my hips. Yup, that's right, the area just below where your bathing suit stops. Whoopsie doodle. Mobility is affected. Instead of the usual Sunday morning walk I'm sitting on the couch, reading the paper and watching Meet the Press. Listening to the current FEMA director talk about how much better off we'll be since the Katrina practice round, which is nice, seeing as how Ernesto looks as though he might slam directly into our neck of the woods. I can't even imagine what a disaster New Orleans must still be --- and Mississippi. On our way to the beach yesterday I was still marveling at the devestation of Hurricane Dennis, which I think was two years ago. There are still plenty of piles of rubble hanging around, boarded up windows, that kind of thing. But there are also plenty of for sale signs on vacant lots and homes, so I guess people still want to live on the Gulf Coast. What a mess. Are we ever going to learn that Mother Nature is not to be messed with? Where do you draw the line? I'm really at a loss - and wish I knew the answers, but I sure don't. All I know is I need more aloe for my burn. Youch!


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