Sketches of Thoughts

Friday, December 08, 2006

Where you at?

I've been exploring one of life's many cool opportunities: a job where I am not attached to my computer perched on a desk chair for eight solid hours. I fire a kiln, sell kick-ass holiday decorations, show people around the gallery, work the cash register, promote arts education program, work on art projects (as in get paid to work on them), hang around with kids and volunteers... So there's always lots going on and no two days are the same.

I am grateful for the good things in my life, and in addition to fulfillment during my working hours, I am learning lots about my place in the universe. Earlier this week students from a local public school dedicated to serving students with provound physical and developmental diasbilities visited the gallery. Their teacher told me one of the six visitors had made a very few sounds --- he does not speak though he is a teenager, and is confined to a wheelchair --- that the most emotion she had seen him display since mid-August was when he saw the lights and objects displayed at our holiday show. See what I mean about perspective?

But life provides good balance. I took a part-time job working at a women's clothing store to provide a little extra cash and some serious comic relief, but that's a stor for another day. Let's hope that there's more time for that soon.


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