Sketches of Thoughts

Friday, November 02, 2007

Mission Not Accomplished and Political Thoughts.

I had planned to blog every day in November. Already I've failed! But yesterday was a busy day, so I'm going to let go of the guilt and just blog daily the rest of the month.

This morning I'm enjoying a moment of relaxation. And for me, relaxation often means one of a few things, including NEWS.

I've been readying and catching up on news on my favorite sites. I read what our prez-wanna-bes are up to in my homestate this weekend. Now that I am a resident of the fourth most populous state in the union, I can't help but be a little agitated that I don't have the kind of access to the candidates that the residents of Pocahontas, IA do.

Allow me to explain as briefly as I know how: the National Democratic Party is pissed that Florida moved up its primary because we all know Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina should be calling the shots, and so the NDP basically made all the candidates swear they wouldn't do any campaigning here in the Sunshine State. (If you want you can read about it here. I agree that the traditional caucuses and primaries are important, but boy would I like a say in choosing the candidate for President. I mean, I know which party I'll likely be voting for, and they could even run Alf and I'd vote for him. Nevertheless I fancy myself as an engaged citizen and am agitated at the slighting.

So take this National Democratic Party: stop calling me and asking for cash (which I lack anyway, and wouldn't probably give to you even if I had more) if you think the 210 electoral votes from my state are so unimportant you don't want folks like me to be involved in the preliminary decision-making. Now how's that for news and relaxation?


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