Sketches of Thoughts

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Nothing makes me stop in my tracks like Barber's Adagio for Strings. I've been playing on P's new MacBook for a while this morning listening to the CBS Sunday Morning Show. (One of my favorite lazy Sunday Morning activities.) I'm skipping my usual church singing today in favor of a little serious relaxation and alone time, which I seem to be needing after the close of the Holiday extravaganza at work. Anyway, back to Adagio for Strings.

Those year-in-review-who-has-died montages are some of my favorite things of the time between Christmas and New Year's. They honor people like Max Roach, Oscar Peterson, Lady Bird Johnson, Beverly Sills, Kurt Vonnegut and others. Some will be missed; others like Jerry Falwell won't be missed by me, but it's a free country after all. I was really only half paying attention until Adagio for Strings came on with a story about WWII vets. I'm glad I looked up from my blog-reading to watch the tribute, hail and farewell to all.


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