Sketches of Thoughts

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Tragedy! Well, not really.

This morning while out walking with Pete and Etta I had an undeniable hankering for Honey Nut Cheerios and a chocolate donut. These are not cravings I have often, and since I'm on the late Christmas tree decorating crew today I decided to head to Publix to indulge.

I remembered everything on the list, and the bakery guy even picked out the perfect donut, covered in beautiful chocolate. Mmmmm. I could hardly wait to the get out the door and home to that wonderful tasty morsel.

Imagine the lock of shock, horror and surprise that must have been on my face when the bagger turned the chocolate donut in its plastic container perpendicular to the bagging surface, compromising tasty chocolate. Horror of horrors!

This turned out to be about the worst thing about my Tuesday, which makes it not such a bad day at all.


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