Sketches of Thoughts

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

News you can use. Well, maybe.

"Women with curvy figures are likely to be brighter than waif-like counterparts and may well produce more intelligent offspring, a US study suggests." It may not be the most newsworthy thing I've heard all day, but this article (at least the first couple of paragraphs) is music to my ears. Obviously I haven't checked out the part about the smarter offspring, but I do think I'm at least as bright as average.


Blogger sarah said...

So, Tom keeps saying, do you read Jenn's blog? And I say, no... and keep forgetting to check you out. How hard can it be, really? not that hard, because here I am--it's funny to read your post about posting every day. I make resolutions like that, too, and then, well, it just doesn't happen. I think that this must mean that we have better things to do with our time than hang out with our computers, hey? It IS good to read your blog, though, and i will keep doing that. I miss you guys... i wish we could shrink up the land between here and Florida. I have serious fantasies about doing a sort of 'Pirate History' fantabulous florida/caribbean trip with the kids, and just picking you and Pete up on the way by. Does that sound good? We just watched a 'pirate technology' history channel 'movie' with the kids on saturday. boy did i learn a lot more about pirate weapons that Gus seems to already know. yikes. maybe we can both resolve for blogging every day of january instead... love and hugs and kisses and peace..

10:29 PM  

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