Sketches of Thoughts

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


A few honet thoughts:

Mondays suck. I don't like them very much. This from a person who has a good job in the career field she loves. But still, Mondays are largely not enjoyable. It seems like if it's going to go wrong, it'll go wrong on Monday. Or Friday afternoon at 2:30, but in this particular case, it was once again on a Monday.

When you're dealing with international communications, things are like 50-million-percent harder than domestically. Like phone calls. Should take two seconds, dial 10 numbers, have pleasant conversation, move on with day. International phone calls: try to get through for three hours, have crappy connection, dial 23 numbers, waste lots of money, do not enjoy conversation as much, get cut off. If you want to consider repeating said process, you are a stronger person than I am.

Occasionally things happen that you just can't explain. Like our President, eating like a barnyard animal and cursing with Tony Blair and saying nasty stuff about Kofi Annan. Oddly, this doesn't surprise me. But you still can't explain it. Oh, and another odd thing - somehow I trust the President more when I hear him say the word "shit" than when he's giving a speech he obviously didn't write himself. At least he can pronounce the words correctly when they're swear words.

Summer goes too fast. But where does it go? Already the sun is going down earlier, the fall clothes are on the racks at the mall and back-to-school madness will begin in only a few short weeks. I want more summer. Guess I'll just have to enjoy what's left of it, before the fall clothes are abandoned for Holiday Hell and crappy Christmas music. So much to look forward to.


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