Sketches of Thoughts

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Welcome to the world, babe.

Welcome to the family, little one. You're a ray of sunshine in all of our lives, most notably your parents'. You are so little, and someday I'll remember the day you were born. If you're anything like me, someday you'll think that you will never be old enough to remember the day anybody was born. I'll always remember how excited your Mom and Dad were when they shared the news that you had arrived. I haven't met you yet, and I don't know when I will. I hope we'll meet soon - I'm sure I have lots to learn from you.

I want you to experience the finest things: true love, peace, good friends, a fulfilling life, a love of learning, some understanding of how you fit into a world much larger than you. I hope you'll learn to love the place where you grow up, the beauty of your part of the world. I hope you'll bring your parents many, many, many smiles. Maybe someday you'll get the opportunity to be a big sister. I hope when you experience times that are difficult, you won't give up. Just know that things will get better, and without the hard times you won't appreciate the good nearly as much. I hope you'll learn to care about things you once never considered.

Life can be hard kid, just when you think you've got it figured out you'll learn you really don't have a clue. You've got smart parents and fun aunts and uncles and a family who already loves you more than you'll ever understand, so when things get tough try to think of those people. I don't know what your life will be like, or what you might encounter in your lifetime. Today wars rage abroad and our nation is led by a President whose term you won't even remember. You'll have so many stories to tell, and if I'm lucky someday I'll get to meet your babies, too.

I'm toasting to you today, baby girl. Here's to a lifetime of love, caring, understanding and Hope.


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