Sketches of Thoughts

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I need a freakin' easy button.

I thought the last few days of this crazy summer plan might be easy and bearable, but how wrong I was. I couldn't help but cry and have a meltdown this morning when I turned on Good Morning America and heard the news. To top it all off, I had another challenging day at work - this time I have to got meet payroll tomorrow and haven't even started with the IRS and withholdings. I thought I had until the end of the month to get a few part-timers paid, but evidently the end of the summer is tomorrow. I'll do what I can, but the miscommunication and expectation is difficult. I'll do my best, I'll go the extra mile but I hope I'll be able to expect the same in return. We'll see. It's been a tough summer, and if I can make it through the next couple of days I'll feel much better about things. Again, we'll see. It would all be much easier if I could punch a button like they do on that Staples commercial. So it goes. What's a girl to do?


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