Sketches of Thoughts

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Long time no post

In the past ten days I've done a lot of things. I went to Oregon to see family. I saw my sister-in-law beautiful and pregnant, my nieces and nephew nearly two years older than the last time I saw them, had an awesome professional development experience in sunny St. Pete, planted a container garden, had my last day of work at my old gig, cooked a delicious dinner, hosted a party, had lots of fun with my sweet sweet husband, saw the puppy play off her leash in an unfenced environment, got a new great book, gotten plenty of sleep, got two amazing gifts from loved ones, congratulated my brother on getting his master's degree, congratulated my brother-in-law (who's really more like my brother) on completing his first semester as a teacher, made new friends, did I mention that I slept a lot more than usual and generally smiled a lot. It's true --- life is pretty good, at least most of the time.


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