Sketches of Thoughts

Friday, September 29, 2006

This is it.

Today I'm packing up my desk and walking away from another learning experience. I have reached the end with my organization, and it's bittersweet. I had really hoped it would be a perfect fit. I thought I had the right things to contribute at the right time. I wanted this to be the job I would have until it was time to leave Tallahassee. I wanted a grown-up experience where I could have some longevity. I wanted it to work. I feel like I tried my best; I did what I could. But it just wasn't right, it simply wasn't meant to be. There's lots more to it than that, it's a complex issue. Lots of it is over my head. But I do know what it was - a great learning experience, an incredible opportunity, one many people my age and others at different stages in their career may never have. I am lucky, and hope I will continue to be lucky. My life is rich: I have a career I enjoy and that makes up one important part. I have a dear, loving husband who is my partner in crime and will be for life. I have a pet, so daily I experience the bonding between a human and another living, breathing creature. I have a great family - one who supports my decisions and does their best to understand my situations. And last, but certainly not least, I have great friends and mentors. Work is important. It's how we spend many of our working hours. But without the other pieces to the puzzle, my life would be a lot less full. I'm excited about my freedom from work for a few days (or weeks? Who knows...) and look forward to filling my time with other activities. At least for now.


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