Sketches of Thoughts

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Whoa Nellie.

It has been another crazy week in life; stranger days one after another. Will I get through the summer without something huge or horrible happening? I'm hoping I'll soon wear reach my craziness quota so I can just go back to things being a little more, well, boring. I always seem to get philosophical on Sundays, when I can look at the big picture and not all the horrible details. On Sunday the sun streams through the front windows, I listen to music or watch CBS Sunday morning, Dyson the floor, think about what I'll wear in the coming week, think about what I'll eat in the coming week, think about when I'll go to yoga, how I'll try and maintain my personal life amidst a job that I find so important that I could easily work 60 hours a week and not have it seem like enough.

I've been thinking lots about balance lately. I don't know how to find it, but I do know I'm getting closer. Calm, soothing activities (like tending to my little container garden, reading the paper, practicing some yoga poses, playing/working with Etta or reading a book) are some of my favorites now. I seem to have high-intensity for work and leave the rest of the time of thinking about how I can feel fulfilled, not just bogged down with stuff, with bills, with details, with maintaining friendships or regretting how I handle situations.

Sorry I get so philosophical on Sundays. It's my favorite day of the week for so many reasons, not the least of which is that I typically reserve it for ME. Love that.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Forever's gonna start tonight.

It's been a long time coming, but today there has been a breakthrough. Dog training has kicked into high gear. Today Sally and Etta frolicked over a rope toy. They tugged and made funny playing noises. To you, this may sound lame. To two Dog Whisperers In Training, it is a powerful moment. Congratulations, girls. Welcome to the big leagues.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

'Cause I'm the leader of the pack.

I'm sitting with two Chihuahuas next to me and a Boston terrier sitting at my feet. Thanks to reality television I am equipped to be an effective pack leader. (Way to go, Cesar. You have me wayyyy pumped up.) I'm feeling good about dog training and life in general. In addition to being a pack leader, here are a few more things that are great about my life. Friends: a near and dear friend is in town at the moment, and it's been a year since I saw her last. I love how with good friends, you take about two minutes to catch up and then feel like no time at all has past. A good job: this morning I saw the choir perform at a local church, and it was one of the most powerful experiences I have had spiritually in a long time. And the coolest part --- I am lucky enough to get to work for these kids. Wow. Right on. Good food: eating dinner with more good friends tonight. Fun, food, friendship. I love how they all fit together. A sweet husband: he's always close in my heart. Family: on Father's Day I feel like I can truly reflect on my great Dad and the driving force he has been in my life. Thanks, Dad. Thanks world, you're pretty cool today. Pretty cool most of the time, actually. Hugs and peace to all...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Magic of Baking Soda.

Who knew that baking soda was so rad? I knew about using it as a tooth whitener and have used it to wash away the evidence of my recent iced tea addiction. So I thought if it could be so awesome for teeth, what other magical powers could it possess? Here's what I've learned so far:
  • Put a little in your dishwater for increased scrubbing power. And I put it in the dishwasher now, too.
  • Makes a great facial scrub. Gentle, mild, effective and CHEAP! For nearly three years I've hated how my face looked. Florida humidity was not kind to me. After just a few days of use as a scrub (washed off with my favorite lavendar soap) my rosy Iowa glow has returned.
  • Scrub nasty showers and sinks with it. Like I said, frugal and effective. And ---
  • today I'm going to use it as a drainer cleaner. I've read a 1/4 cup washed down the drain with boiling water is even better than Dran-o.
Right on baking soda! I'm going to try and find lots of new uses for everyday stuff. It's gratifying.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Will you be charging that today?

Disclaimer: I love Target. It is my favorite one-stop shopping destination. Not to mention the closest retail outlet near me.

But today I experienced extreme irritation in Target. For the second time this week, while trying to concentrate on my shopping, I overheard the store manager come of the walkie-talkies and give a "pep talk" to employees. I use the term "pep talk" very lightly because it was less peppy than you'd suppose. It was more like commanding employees to push the Target Visa card on every customer.

Here's what the voice on the other end of the radio had to say: "We only have 7 people signed up for RedCard today, team. We have to remember to ask every customer: 'Did you find everything today?' and 'Will you be paying with your RedCard today?' We've got to keep asking, team, we've got a long ways to go!"

A long ways to go toward what? Helping people amass credit card debt? Waste time at checkout? Is there no decency left? Overhearing what I would very much prefer to be a "behind the scenes" chat demolishes a pleassant shopping experience for me, knowing that my purchase alone is not enough for the corporate powers-that-be. In their greedy little minds, I must be charging beyond belief for things I can't pay for. Too bad that shovy female voice on the other end of the line won't be there to give a pep talk to the card holder when they get the bill in the mail.

I should mention that I don't object to the Target Visa card. In fact, I have one of my own. But I do object to having to overhear some management-type constantly reminder her employees about pushing the cards while I'm shopping. I'd much prefer the employees devote their attention to improved customer service, or better yet, more employees working the checkout counters to reduce the lines at the register. There you have it folks, my customer service complaint of the day...

Friday, June 09, 2006

Times They Are A Changin'

It's a good thing I've got Dylan and lots of other fabulous music to keep me moving this summer. It seems like there is some serious adult shit shaking down. I've started a new and very intense job. Pete is developing his career in ways I would have never guessed possible when we first met. My friend has just accepted a new gig, too, and her girlfriend has decided to go back to school. Another is looking for a teaching gig, and another just got a fabulous promotion at work. My brother-in-law and his wife and expecting a baby. My frind Julie is coming to stay with me for two weeks with her two dogs. I'm thinking about wanting to buy a house, maybe sell our older car. Another friend got a new puppy yesterday, only three and a half pounds. I experienced a life circle yesterday - while it's pretty morbid to mention it on your blog, today I am grieving the loss of my dear sweet kitty, Bix. He was struck by a car in the road in front of our house last night.

I'm crying as I type it, but if you had the pleasure of knowing Bix, you know that even though he was six years old, he had definately lived nine lives. He survived the cluthes of an animal hoarder and a cross-country trip from Arizona to Tallahassee. He was rescued by the Humane Society, but had trouble getting along with other animals, so he went through three homes in about a year before coming to live with us. When we adopted him, the Humane Society told us it was a good thing, because he probably wasn't long for this world. He was huge and fat, and hated being inside. Around Christmastime this year we made the decision to let him be an outside boy, on the advice of the Humane Society. (Bix had some street cred and we were desperate to see him happier - inside just wasn't the answer for him.) And happier he was - he lost so much weight, was so much cuddlier and greeted everyone who came to our doorstep with a meow and a brush against their leg. Like I said, this was one good critter, and our lives are better having known him. It will be so sad not to have him around to brighten my day, but life is short and fragile. We're sending Bix off in style tomorrow morning before our garage sale with a Mimosa toast to his extraordinary little kitty life.

I can only hope that if you have pets, you'll give them an extra snuggle today. I'll be missing Bix this summer - he came around during a very important year of my life - the first year of my marriage. It's sad to know as that as we approach anniversary #3 Bix won't be there to see the dawn of another year. Times change, pets and people come and go from our lives. Pete said in an email to me earlier today :

I'm sad about Bix, too. I'm just sad that I didn't get to see him again, you know? I love you so much and this just reminds me of life's fragility. I think I'll listen to some Stevie Wonder this evening ("if it's magic"). It always reminds me of how special our love is, how important our loving others is, and how patient we must be with the world when trivial things obstruct our view of love. Love, actually, is all around us.

It's true: there's love everywhere. What a nice reminder. This weekend, I hope you'll have the opportunity to experience it yourself in whatever form or fashion means something to you. I know I will, even though it will be a change.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Down time = new survey.

What were you doing 10 years ago?
About to attend Reggie Schive Summer Jazz Camp in Okoboji. My family sometimes calls it "the week that changed our lives."

What were you doing 1 year ago?
Enjoying living in a house instead of an apartment and starting a new gig.

Five snacks you enjoy:
1. Honey Wheat Pretzels
2. Hummus
3. Chocolate (duh)
4. Potato Chips and Sour Cream Dip
5. Fruit Leather

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1. The Nearness of You
2. Who Puts His Trust in God Most Just
3. Too Fat Polka
4. Battle Hymn of the Republic
5. I Want You Back

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Drive a VW Beetle
2. Pay off student loans
3. Buy a house (or two)
4. Hire a lawn service
5. Take lots of vacations

Five bad habits:
1. Lack of complete & total financial discipline
2. Starting projects & not finishing them
3. Not cleaning up after myself
4. Interrupting people when they're speaking
5. Not exercising as much as I should!

Five things you like doing:
1. Using a Dyson (See previous blog...)
2. Wireless computing
3. Finding good deals on stuff
4. Going to/having BBQs
5. Reading

Five things you would never wear:
1. Anything that is held up exclusively by strings
2. Thong bikini
3. Granny panties
4. An entire ensemble purchased from one store at one time
5. Tucked in polo shirts with a belt (Too many uniforms in previous years!)

Five favorite toys:
1. Again, the Dyson
2. My iPod
3. Digital Camera
4. Cell phone
5. My laptop

I want to be a Dyson Diva.

I have been living in filth. I didn't even realize it until today, but I have been living in a dirty, dirty, dirty home. I have my friend's Dyson DC14 Animal to thank for this revelation. Are you familiar with the Dyson? You've seen the ads on TV, I'm sure. This machine literally sucks the living shit out of your rugs, up from your floors, yanks dirt from your upholstery. Dust bunnies beware --- the Dyson will hunt you down and eat you up.

I am by nature, not tidy. I don't let dishes rot in the sink for weeks at a time, and I do regularly clean my showers and toilets. But I have piles of mail, stacks of photos and shelves full of books collecting dust. But the Dyson makes me want to change my evil ways. Between this little machine and the yard sale some friends and I are having next weekend, I feel the urge to reduce clutter, clean up now and maintain an acceptable level of OCD tidiness.

Let the quest begin for deals on a Dyson. I want to be a Dyson Diva every week, not just while I'm borrowing this powerful purple wondertool. And that's just about all I have to say about that.